Papers by William R. Elliott et al., 6/23/2023 |
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Elliott, William R., and
R.W. Strandtmann. 1971. New locality records for Rhagidia from Mexican
and American caves. J. Kansas Ent. Soc., 44(4):468-475. |
0.7 |
Elliott, William R., and R.W. Mitchell. 1973. Temperature
preference responses of some aquatic, cave-adapted crustaceans from |
1.5 |
Elliott, William R., and
J.R. Reddell. 1973. A checklist of the cave fauna of Mexico. VI. Valle de los
Fantasmas Region, San Luis Potosí. Assoc. Mex.
Cave Stud., Bull. 5:191-201. |
0.7 |
Reddell, J.R., and William
R. Elliott. 1973. A checklist of the cave fauna of Mexico. V. Additional
records from the Sierra de Guatemala, Tamaulipas. Assoc. Mex. Cave Stud.,
Bull. 5:181-190. |
0.9 |
Elliott, William R. 1976.
New cavernicolous Rhagidiidae from Idaho, Washington, and Utah (Arachnida:
Acarina: Prostigmata). Occ. Papers Mus., Texas Tech Univ., No. 43, 15
pp. |
1.3 |
Mitchell, R.W., W.H.
Russell, and W.R. Elliott. 1977. Mexican eyeless characin fishes, genus Astyanax: environment, distribution,
and evolution. Special Publications of the Museum, Texas Tech University, No.
12, 89 pp. |
38.4 |
Elliott, William R. 1978.
Final report on the New Melones cave harvestman transplant. U.S. Army Corps
of Engineers, Sacramento. 62 pp. |
4.2 |
1981 Elliott Damming Caves.pdf |
Elliott, W.R. 1981. Damming
up the caves. Caving International Magazine, No. 10:38-41 |
4.1 |
Elliott, William R., and James R. Reddell.
1985. The Biology of Seminole Sink. Appendix II, pp. 211-216 in Turpin, Solveig A. 1985. Seminole
Sink: Excavation of a Vertical Shaft Tomb. Val Verde County, Texas. Texas
Archeological Survey, Research Report No. 93, The University of Texas at
Austin. 216 pp. |
1.3 |
Zacharda, M., and W.R.
Elliott. 1986. New species of the family Rhagidiidae (Acarina:
Actinedida: Eupodoidea) from California caves. Acta Universitatis
Carolinae Biologica 1981:463-475 |
5.7 |
Zacharda, M., and W.R. Elliott. 1986. Robustocheles infernalis sp.
n. (Acarina: Actinedida: Rhagidiidae) from Cueva del Diablo, Veracruz,
Mexico. Acta Universitatis Carolinae
Biologica 1981:477-481 |
0.5 |
Aley, T., C. Aley, W.R.
Elliott, and P.W. Huntoon. 1993. Karst and cave resource significance
assessment, Ketchikan Area, Tongass National Forest, Alaska. Report of the
Karst Resources Panel. 79 pp. + 43 pp. appendices. |
2.6 |
Elliott, William R.
Elliott. 1994. Community Ecology of Three Caves in Williamson County,
Texas: A Three-Year Summary. 1993
Annual Report for Simon Development Co., Inc., U.S. Fish & Wildlife
Service, Texas Parks & Wildlife Department. 46 pp. |
0.4 |
Elliott, William R. 1994.
Alaska's forested karstlands. American Caves. American Cave Consv.
Assoc., 7 (1, Winter/Spring):8-12. |
1.1 |
O'Donnell, L., W.R.
Elliott, and R. Stanford. 1994. Endangered karst invertebrates (Travis and
Williamson counties, Texas): Recovery Plan. U.S. Fish & and Wildlife
Service. Vi +154 pp |
11.8 |
Elliott, William R. 1996.
The evolution of cave gating: How the philosophy and technology have changed.
American Caves, 9(2):9-15. |
2.9 |
Elliott, William R. 1997.
Bad air in caves. American Caving Accidents, NSS News, Dec. 1997, Part
2, 55(12):396-397. |
0.3 |
Elliott, William R. 2000.
Community Ecology of Three Caves in Williamson County, Texas:1991-1999. 1999
Annual Report for Texas Parks & Wildlife Department, February 25, 2000.
12 pp. |
6.4 |
Elliott, William R. 2000.
Conservation of the North American cave and karst biota. Chap. 34, pp.
665-689 in Wilkens, H., D.C. Culver, and W.F. Humphreys (eds.), Subterranean
Ecosystems. Ecosystems of the World, 30. Elsevier, Amsterdam. xiv + 791
pp. |
4.5 |
Elliott, William R. and
R.L. Clawson 2001. Temperature data logging in Missouri bat caves. pp. 52-57
in G.T. Rea (ed.), Proceedings of the 1999 National Cave and Karst Management
Symposium, Chattanooga, Tenn. |
0.9 |
Elliott, William R. and
Lawrence Ireland. 2002. The Missouri Cave Life Survey. Pp. 123-130, In G.T.
Rea (ed.), Proceedings of the National Cave & Karst Management Symposium,
Tucson, AZ, Oct. 16-19, 2001. |
0.5 |
Elliott, William R.
2003. A Guide to Missouri’s cave life. Missouri Dept. of Conservation.
40 pp. |
1.2 |
Culver, D.C., M.C.
Christman, W.R. Elliott, H.H. Hobbs, J.R. Reddell. 2003. The North American
obligate cave fauna: Regional patterns. Biodiversity and Conservation.
12:441-468. |
3.9 |
Steele, Bill. 2004. Spelean
Spotlight: Dr. Bill Elliott. NSS News, May:148-150. |
1.4 |
Elliott, William R. 2004.
Protecting Caves and Cave Life. Pp. 458-467 IN Culver, D.C. and W.B. White
(eds.), Encylopedia of Caves, Elsevier Science |
1.6 |
Elliott, William R. 2004. Speodesmus
[abstract]. Journal of Cave and Karst Studies, 66(3):111-112. |
0.1 |
Elliott, William R. 2004. Speodesmus
cave millipedes. I. Four New Species from Central Texas (Diplopoda:
Polydesmida: Polydesmidae). Texas Memorial Museum, Speleological
Monographs, 6:163-174 |
1.1 |
Elliott, William R., and
David C. Ashley. 2005. Caves and Karst. pp. 474-491 in Nelson, Paul, The
Terrestrial Natural Communities of Missouri, third ed. Missouri Natural
Areas Committee. 550 pp. |
5.2 |
Elliott, William R., Stephen
T. Samoray, Sara E. Gardner and Thomas Aley. 2005. Tumbling Creek Cave: An
ongoing conservation and restoration partnership.American Caves,
March, 2005:8-13. |
1.5 |
Elliott, William R.,
Stephen T. Samoray, Sara E. Gardner and James E. Kaufmann. 2006. The MDC
Method: Counting bats with infrared video. Pp. 147-153 In G.T. Rea (ed.),
Proceedings of the 2005 National Cave & Karst Management Symposium, Albany,
NY, Oct. 30-Nov. 4, 2005 |
0.9 |
Elliott, William R. 2006.
Counting bats with infrared video. Missouri Department of Conservation, Science
Notes. |
0.8 |
Graening, G.O., H.H. Hobbs,
III, M.E. Slay, W.R. Elliott, and A.V. Brown. 2006. Status update for Bristly
Cave Crayfish, Cambarus setosus (Decapoda: Cambaridae), and range extension
into Arkansas. The Southwestern Naturalist, 51(3):382-392. |
0.2 |
Elliott, William R. 2006.
Biological Dos and Don’ts of Cave Restoration and Conservation. pp. 33-46 IN
Hildreth-Werker, V., and J. Werker (eds.), Cave Conservation and
Restoration, National Speleological Society. 600 pp |
2.7 |
Elliott, William R.. 2006.
Critical issues in cave biology. Pp. 35-39 In G.T. Rea (ed.), Proceedings of
the 2005 National Cave & Karst Management Symposium, Albany, NY, Oct.
30-Nov. 4, 2005 |
0.3 |
Elliott, William R. 2006.
Cave Gating Criteria. Missouri Department of Consevation, 7 pp. |
0.5 |
Slay, Michael E., W.R.
Elliott, and Ronald Sluys. 2006. Cavernicolous Missouri triclads
(Platyhelminthes: Turbellaria): A new state record (Dendrocoelopsis
Americana; Dendrocoelidae) and range extension (Sphalloplana evaginata;
Kenkiidae). Southwestern Naturalist. 51(2):251–291 |
0.1 |
Elliott, William R.. 2006.
Missouri’s Cave Focus Areas. Pp. 48-52 In G.T. Rea (ed.), Proceedings of the
2005 National Cave & Karst Management Symposium, Albany, NY, Oct. 30-Nov.
4, 2005. |
0.5 |
Elliott, William R., and
Thomas Aley. 2006. Karst conservation in the Ozarks: Forty years at Tumbling
Creek Cave. Pp. 204-214 In G.T. Rea (ed.), Proceedings of the 2005
National Cave & Karst Management Symposium, Albany, NY, Oct. 30-Nov. 4,
2005. |
2.2 |
Clawson, Richard L.,
William R. Elliott, and Debra Burns. A Bat Management Plan for the Missouri
Department of Conservation. 68 pp., 2 app. |
38.2 |
Clawson, Richard L,.
William R. Elliott, and Debra Burns. A Bat Management Plan for the Missouri
Department of Conservation. MDC Science Notes, 2(8):2 pp. |
0.3 |
Elliott, William R. 2007.
Zoogeography and biodiversity of Missouri caves and karst. Journal of Cave
and Karst Studies. 69(1):135-162. |
1.9 |
Elliott, William R., Thomas J. Aley and Catherine L. Aley.
2007. Conserving an Ozark Cave: Landowners and Scientists Restore the Famous
Tumbling Creek Cave. Missouri Conservationist, Oct.:17-21, 32. |
2.3 |
William R. 2007. A Guide to Missouri’s cave life. Missouri Dept. of
Conservation (revised). 40 pp. |
1.9 |
Elliott, William R. and Jim Kennedy. 2008.
Status of the Indiana Bat, Myotis sodalis, in Pilot Knob Mine, Iron
County, Missouri, 2008. Final report to the United States Fish & Wildlife
Service, Pilot Knob National Wildlife Refuge. 48 pp. |
6.8 |
6.2 |
Elliott, William R., Kathy Echols,
David C. Ashley, Tom Aley, Alan Leary and Paul McKenzie. 2008. Waterborne
contaminants in Tumbling Creek Cave, Missouri. pp. 107-123 in Elliott, W.R. (ed.): Proceedings
of the 18th National Cave and Karst Management Symposium, October 8-12, 2007,
St. Louis, Missouri. |
6.5 |
Elliott, William R., and James R.
Reddell. 2009. New records of Speodesmus (Diplopoda: Polydesmida:
Polydesmidae) from Fort Hood, Bell and Coryell Counties, Texas. Texas
Memorial Museum Speleological Monographs, 7. Studies on the cave and endogean
fauna of North America, V. Pp. 147-150. |
2.7 |
Elliott, William R., Derek Shiels, Shelly
Colatskie, and Christin Dzurick. April 27, 2011. Gray Bat (Myotis grisescens) Thermal Infrared
Monitoring in Missouri, 2008-2011. Missouri
Department of Conservation, Resource Science Division, Jefferson City. 17 pp. |
6.5 |
Elliott, William R. 2011.
Protecting Caves and Cave Life. Preprint from Culver, D.C. and W.B. White
(eds.), Encylopedia of Caves, 2nd ed. [revised], Elsevier Science. |
1.6 |
Elliott, William R. 2011. A
new threat to bats: White-nose Syndrome. Missouri Conservationist,
72(8, Aug.):22-27, 32. |
Elliott, William R. 2014. Sótano de Yerbaniz. AMCS Activities
Newsletter, 37:125-130. |
7.6 |
Elliott, William R. 2015.
Astyanax Benchmark Papers. 3 pp., 41 citations, 2 graphs |
0.5 |
2015 Elliott Mex
Cavefish Chap 1r.pdf or purchase
book at: https://www.elsevier.com/books/biology-and-evolution-of-the-mexican-cavefish/keene/978-0-12-802148-4 |
Elliott, William R. 2015.
Cave exploration and mapping in the Sierra de El Abra Region. Chapter 1
[revised], pp. 9-40 in: Keene, Alex C., Masato Yoshizawa, and Suzanne E.
McGaugh (eds.), Biology and Evolution of the Mexican Cavefish. Academic Press (Elsevier),
Amsterdam. |
4.9 |
Elliott, William R. 2015.
Cave ecology and biodiversity in the Sierra de El Abra Region. Chapter 3, pp. 59-76 in: Keene,
Alex C., Masato Yoshizawa, and Suzanne E. McGaugh (eds.), Biology and
Evolution of the Mexican Cavefish. Academic
Press (Elsevier), Amsterdam. |
1.8 |
http://researcharchive.calacademy.org/research/izg/SciPubs2.html [free pdf] |
Elliott, William R., James R.
Reddell, D. Craig Rudolph, G.O. Graening, Thomas S. Briggs, Darrell Ubick,
Rolf L. Aalbu, Jean Krejca, Steven J. Taylor. 2017. The Cave Fauna of
California. Proceedings of the California Academy of Sciences, July 28, 2017.
311 pp., 25 tables, 9 maps, 4 graphs, 105 photos. |
22.6 |
2018_Elliott_Astyanax.pdf [free pdf, or purchase book at:] http://www.mexicancaves.org/bul/bulcat.html |
William R. 2018. The Astyanax Caves of Mexico. Cavefishes of
Tamaulipas, San Luis Potosí, and Guerrero. Association for Mexican Cave
Studies, Bulletin 26. Austin, Texas. 326 pp. |
280 |
El Abra regional map from Elliott, 2018
(above). |
56 |
2020 Elliott catfish caves Oaxaca.pdf [corrected reprint] |
Elliott, William R. 2020.
The catfish caves of Acatlán, Oaxaca. AMCS Activities Newsletter, Number 42, Dec. 2019 [May
2020], pp. 22-30. |
3.4 |
Purchase chapter from Springer |
Elliott, W.R.,
Palacios-Vargas, J.G., Medellín, R.A., Calva, O. (2023). Human
Impacts on Mexican Caves. Chap 18, pp 377–414 In: Jones, R.W.,
Ornelas-García, C.P., Pineda-López, R., Álvarez, F. (eds), Mexican Fauna in
the Anthropocene, Springer, 597 pp. |
0.7 |
of my papers are now on ResearchGate. |